Splashtop Personal is a great way to access your computer from anywhere in your house via your home network and from all your devices. View your computer from your smartphone on the couch or play a computer game from your tablet in bed. Splashtop makes it easy. You can also access your home computers from outside your home network with the optional Anywhere Access Pack subscription.
But what if you want to take your Splashtop experience to the next level? An upgrade to Splashtop Business Access gives you everything you need for remote access to your home and work computers, and some amazing additional features.
Check out these reasons to move up to Splashtop Business Access
Access your work/business computers and your home computers - Splashtop Personal is licensed for personal, non-commercial use only. Get Splashtop Business for a license to access both your work and your home computers.
Remotely access computers outside your home network - Splashtop Personal is free for use in your home network. With Splashtop Business Access, you can access your computers from anywhere. If you only want to access your home computers from anywhere then another alternative is the $16.99/year Anywhere Access Pack for Personal.
Free Splashtop iOS apps - With Splashtop Personal, there is a cost for the iPad and iPhone apps. With Splashtop Business, all of the apps are free.
Chrome Browser plug-in - Splashtop Business supports a free Chrome Browser plug-in that lets you access your computers from the Chrome browser on Windows, Mac, Linux or a Chromebook, in addition to accessing from your other devices
Priority Support - Get faster answers to your questions or assistance when you need it. Online, by email or over the phone.
File transer – Transfer files between computers
Remote print - print files on a remote computer to a local printer
Computer and user management - Web console to manage lists and grouping of users and computers in business situations, activity logging. You can also remote wake and remote reboot computers.
Connect with more computers - Do you have a lot of computers that you want to access? With Splashtop Business you can access up to 10 work and home computers.
Premium features - Get annotation (whiteboard like features to draw over your screen), custom shortcuts and gamepad (on-screen controls useful for screen navigation and gaming). These are included in Splashtop Business at no extra charge or available for $16.99/year in the Productivity Pack for Splashtop Personal.
Important: If you currently have Personal edition paid add-on subscriptions (Anywhere Access Pack or Productivity Pack), you will no longer need those after you subscribe to Business Access. Be sure to cancel those old subscriptions on the app store where you subscribed to them or via your my.splashtop.com console if you purchased directly from Splashtop.
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