Port forwarding used in computer network to allow external devices to connect to devices on a private network.

連接埠轉發 - 類型、安全考量和最佳實踐

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連接埠轉發是一種用於啟用遠端存取家庭或辦公室網路上裝置的有用技術,但它也伴隨著某些安全風險。在本文中,我們將探討什麼是連接埠轉發、它如何運作以及不同類型的連接埠轉發。我們還將深入探討潛在的安全風險,並解釋為什麼像 Splashtop 這樣的安全遠端存取解決方案提供了一種更安全、更方便的替代方案,可以從任何地方存取您的裝置,而無需進行連接埠轉發。



連接埠 forwarding 是一種在電腦網路中使用的方法,允許外部裝置連接到私人網路上的裝置。它的工作原理是將來自外部 IP 位址和連接埠的通訊請求重新導向到私人網路(例如家庭或辦公室網路)上的內部 IP 位址和連接埠。這種技術通常用於從本地網路外部存取像是安全攝影機、遊戲主機或遠端桌面等裝置。



這是一個簡單的連接埠轉發範例:想像一下您想從辦公室存取您的家庭電腦。By setting up 連接埠 forwarding on your home router, you instruct it to direct any requests sent to a specific 連接埠 (e.g., 連接埠 8080) from the internet to your home computer.當您輸入您家的 IP 位址,後接連接埠號碼(例如,123.456.789.0:8080)到瀏覽器或遠端存取工具,您的路由器知道將該請求轉發到您的電腦。

網路上的每個裝置都使用連接埠進行通訊—這些就像是讓不同類型的數據通過的「虛擬門」。例如,當您瀏覽網頁時,您的瀏覽器會使用連接埠 80 或 443(HTTP 或 HTTPS 流量)。連接埠 forwarding 通過將外部連接埠映射到內部 IP 地址和連接埠,將這些通信請求重新導向到內部網路上的正確裝置。



  1. 本地連接埠轉發

    本地連接埠 forwarding 允許您從本地裝置連接到另一個遠端服務或伺服器,通過從指定的本地連接埠轉發數據。它通常用於繞過網路限制,例如防火牆,或存取在本地網路上被封鎖的服務。例如,如果某個網站在您的位置受到限制,您可以使用本地連接埠 forwarding 連接到遠端伺服器,並通過該伺服器訪問該網站。

  2. 遠端連接埠轉發


  3. 動態連接埠轉發

    動態連接埠轉發更具彈性,通常用於建立作為隧道或代理的安全連接。這使您可以根據需要存取的服務,將流量路由到任意數量的連接埠。它通常用於需要通過單一連接安全地存取多個服務的情況,例如使用 VPN(虛擬私人網路)安全地存取受限網站時。


連接埠 forwarding 在遠端存取中扮演著重要的角色,特別是當您需要從遠距離位置連接到私人網路上的裝置或服務時。[TD1] 本質上,它允許您從公共網路「打開一扇門」到您的私人網路,使您能夠遠端控制或存取裝置,例如電腦、監控攝影機、遊戲主機,甚至是智慧家庭系統。


  1. 存取家庭網路

    想像一下,您不在家但想要存取家中網路上的裝置,例如電腦或 NAS(網路附加儲存)裝置。沒有連接埠轉發,您的路由器會充當防火牆,阻止來自網際網路的未經請求。然而,透過配置連接埠轉發,您可以告訴路由器允許來自網際網路的特定請求通過特定連接埠,並將它們導向到您家庭網路上的正確裝置。例如,如果您想使用 遠端桌面軟體 來控制您的家用電腦,您需要將 軟體 使用的 連接埠 (例如 Microsoft 遠端桌面 的 連接埠 3389)轉發到您電腦的內部 IP 位址。

  2. 存取辦公室網路


  3. 存取監控攝影機

    許多人使用連接埠轉發來遠端查看安全攝影機畫面。大多數基於 IP 的安全攝影機內建網頁伺服器,允許您透過網際網路串流攝影機畫面。By forwarding a specific 連接埠 on your router to the camera's internal IP address, you can access the live feed from anywhere in the world by entering your home's public IP address and the forwarded 連接埠 in a web browser or mobile app.

  4. 遊戲主機和多人遊戲

    Gamers often use 連接埠 forwarding to improve 線上 gaming 效能 and enable multiplayer games to function correctly.許多多人遊戲需要開啟特定的連接埠,以允許來自其他玩家的連接。如果這些連接埠被封鎖或關閉,您可能會遇到延遲或無法主持多人連線等問題。透過轉發遊戲所需的連接埠,您可以確保您的主機或遊戲 PC 能夠與外部伺服器和其他玩家高效地進行通訊。


雖然連接埠轉發可以有效地啟用對您裝置的遠端存取,但它也伴隨著重大安全風險。By opening a 連接埠 on your router, you're essentially creating a direct path from the internet to your private network.如果沒有適當的預防措施,這可能會使您的裝置容易受到網路攻擊。Below, we'll explore some of the key security risks associated with 連接埠 forwarding.

  1. Unauthorized Access
    One of the biggest risks of port forwarding is the potential for unauthorized access. When you open a port to allow external traffic into your network, you're creating a point of entry that attackers can exploit. If the device you're forwarding traffic to isn't secured with strong passwords or encryption, hackers can use brute force attacks or other techniques to gain access. For example, if you're forwarding ports to enable remote desktop access to your home computer, an attacker could potentially gain full control over your system if they manage to guess your login credentials.

  2. Exposure to Exploits and Vulnerabilities
    Many devices and software services are regularly updated to patch security vulnerabilities. However, if you're forwarding traffic to a device or application that hasn’t been updated or has known security flaws, you could be exposing your network to exploitation. Attackers can scan open ports on the internet, find vulnerable services, and use known exploits to gain access. For example, older versions of remote desktop software may have unpatched security vulnerabilities that attackers can exploit to take control of your system.

  3. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks
    When a port is left open, it can become a target for Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. In a DDoS attack, cybercriminals overwhelm your device or network with a flood of traffic, causing it to slow down or become completely unresponsive. If you've forwarded ports to devices on your network, attackers can send massive amounts of data to those devices, making them unable to function properly and potentially causing a network outage.

  4. Increased Attack Surface
    Each time you open a port for forwarding, you increase the attack surface of your network. Essentially, you're creating more entry points that hackers can potentially exploit. While your router and firewall are designed to block most external traffic, port forwarding bypasses these protections. The more ports you have open, the more vulnerable your network becomes, especially if you're not actively monitoring those ports for suspicious activity.

  5. Lack of Encryption
    Port forwarding often lacks strong encryption, especially if you're using older protocols or applications. This means that the data being sent between your external device and your internal network may not be protected. Without encryption, any data you transmit—such as login credentials, personal files, or other sensitive information—can be intercepted by hackers. Attackers can use packet-sniffing techniques to monitor the traffic flowing through the open port, leading to data breaches and identity theft.

  6. Botnet Infiltration
    Another common threat associated with port forwarding is botnet infiltration. Botnets are networks of compromised devices that hackers use to launch large-scale cyberattacks. By exploiting open ports, attackers can take control of vulnerable devices and add them to their botnet. Once your device becomes part of a botnet, it can be used to carry out illegal activities like DDoS attacks or sending spam, all without your knowledge. This not only compromises your security but could also result in legal consequences if your device is involved in criminal activity.

安全遠端存取 vs. 連接埠轉發:為何遠端解決方案提供更優越的保護


另一方面,基於雲端的遠端存取解決方案提供了更強的防禦網路威脅的能力、更容易的管理以及對您的網路更好的整體保護。[TD2][TD3] 以下,我們將比較這兩種方法並解釋為什麼安全遠端存取解決方案對大多數使用者來說是更好的選擇。

  1. Stronger Security Measures
    Port forwarding involves opening specific ports on your router to allow external devices to access your network. However, this process essentially creates a direct path from the internet to your internal network, increasing the risk of unauthorized access. Once a port is opened, it’s exposed to anyone on the internet, including hackers who can exploit it to infiltrate your system.

    In contrast, secure remote access solutions use advanced security measures like encryption, multi-factor authentication (MFA), and secure tunneling protocols (e.g., VPN, SSL/TLS). These features ensure that all communication between remote devices and your network is encrypted, making it nearly impossible for hackers to intercept or tamper with data. Additionally, MFA adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to verify their identity using more than just a password, significantly reducing the likelihood of unauthorized access.

  2. Reduced Vulnerability to Cyber Threats
    Port forwarding increases your network’s attack surface by exposing open ports to the internet. This makes it easier for attackers to scan for vulnerabilities and launch targeted attacks like Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) or brute force login attempts. If any devices or applications connected through port forwarding have unpatched vulnerabilities, they can quickly become entry points for hackers.

    Cloud-based secure remote access solutions,[TD4] on the other hand, do not require the exposure of any open ports to the public internet. Instead, they establish a secure connection through encrypted tunnels that are much harder for attackers to detect or exploit. Additionally, remote access software is typically updated regularly to address security vulnerabilities, ensuring that your network remains protected against the latest cyber threats.

  3. Easier Management and Configuration
    One of the challenges with port forwarding is that it requires manual configuration on your router, which can be complicated for non-technical users. You need to specify which ports to open, configure static IP addresses for the devices you want to access, and ensure that all devices are secure. Additionally, managing multiple devices or services via port forwarding can quickly become overwhelming, especially if you have to configure different ports for different applications.

    Secure remote access solutions are designed to simplify this process. They offer user-friendly interfaces that make it easy to set up and manage remote connections without the need for manual configuration of router settings. In most cases, secure remote access software handles all the technical details behind the scenes, automatically establishing a secure connection without requiring users to open ports or configure network settings. This makes it much easier for individuals and businesses alike to maintain secure, hassle-free remote access.

  4. Centralized Control and Monitoring
    When using port forwarding, it can be difficult to keep track of which ports are open and which devices are accessible from the internet. This lack of visibility can lead to security holes that go unnoticed, especially if you have multiple devices or applications configured with port forwarding rules. It also makes it challenging to monitor for suspicious activity on your network.

    With secure remote access solutions, you have centralized control and monitoring over all remote connections. You can easily see who is accessing your network, when they’re connecting, and what they’re accessing. This centralized control allows administrators to quickly detect and respond to potential security threats, ensuring that only authorized users can access sensitive data and systems.

  5. Reduced Maintenance and Fewer Technical Issues
    Port forwarding requires ongoing maintenance to ensure that your network remains secure. For example, if your external IP address changes (which often happens with dynamic IP addresses), your port forwarding setup will stop working, and you’ll need to update it. Additionally, any security vulnerabilities in the devices or applications you’re forwarding traffic to need to be patched regularly to avoid exploitation by hackers.

    In contrast, secure remote access solutions are typically cloud-based or managed by third-party providers, meaning that updates and maintenance are handled automatically. This reduces the burden on you or your IT team to constantly monitor and update your systems. Secure remote access solutions also tend to be more stable and reliable, minimizing downtime and technical issues that could arise with port forwarding.

    In conclusion, while port forwarding may seem like a quick and simple way to enable remote access, the security risks and management challenges make it less than ideal for most users. Secure remote access solutions offer far superior protection by encrypting data, reducing the attack surface, and providing easier management tools.

Splashtop 如何在不使用連接埠轉發的情況下簡化遠端存取

Splashtop 提供了一種安全且無憂的方式來遠端存取您的裝置,而無需連接埠轉發。與傳統方法不同,Splashtop 使用安全的雲端連接,消除了在路由器上開放連接埠的需求,這可能會使您的網路暴露於風險中。

  1. No Port Forwarding Needed
    Splashtop securely connects your devices over the internet without requiring open ports. This means no complicated router configurations and reduced risk of cyberattacks.

  2. Strong Security Features
    Splashtop uses 256-bit AES encryption, two-factor authentication (2FA), and device authentication to ensure your data and devices are fully protected. This offers a safer alternative to port forwarding, minimizing unauthorized access.

  3. Easy to Use
    With Splashtop, setting up remote access is quick and simple—no technical knowledge required. Just install the software, log in, and start accessing your devices securely from anywhere.

  4. Low Maintenance
    Splashtop handles all security updates and patches automatically, so you don’t need to manage open ports or update your network settings manually.

選擇 Splashtop:安全且方便的遠端存取解決方案

Splashtop combines high 效能, ease of use, and top-notch security without the risks of 連接埠 forwarding.無論您是在家工作還是管理 IT 系統,Splashtop 都提供安全且無縫的遠端存取體驗。

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常見問題 (FAQ)

What is a safe alternative to port forwarding?
連接埠轉發像 VPN 嗎?
轉送連接埠會暴露您的 IP 嗎?



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