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Send Ctrl-Alt-Del to Your Remote Desktop

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How to Send Ctrl-Alt-Del to a Remote Desktop
How to Send Ctrl-Alt-Del to a Remote Desktop

Splashtop won awards recently for being the top-rated remote desktop option. This is because it offers a powerful tool to enable you to remotely control your computers from anywhere. Thus, you can perform a lot of your work remotely from your home, the coffee shop, a client's office, or while on the go.

Another reason for Splashtop’s high ratings includes its easy-to-use interface. For example, Splashtop enables you to seamlessly send a Control-Alt-Delete (or Command-Option-Esc for Mac) command to a remote computer from your local device with just a click.

So, how do you go about using Ctrl-Alt-Del on a remote desktop? Below, we show you how easy it is with Splashtop.

How to Send Ctrl-Alt-Del to a Remote Desktop

Many remote desktop tools give you convenient ways to control your remote computer. These include interacting with the remote device using your local keyboard and mouse.

A common issue, though, is if you try to send a Ctrl-Alt-Del command to the remote machine by pressing the buttons on your keyboard, you will find it only affects the local computer. This can interfere with your ability to work and also might be something you need to do remotely.

Lucky for you, Splashtop's remote desktop software provides a solution. You can send the Ctrl-Alt-Del command to a remote computer with a simple click, even when connecting from a computer, tablet, or mobile device.

Where to Find the Button on Windows and Mac

If you are using a windows machine or an Apple Mac to connect to a remote computer, you'll see the Splashtop Toolbar in the remote computer's window that allows you to engage with Splashtop's features. These include buttons to switch between monitors or view all monitors, lock keyboard and mouse, chat, and more.

The Splashtop Toolbar

One of these buttons, a triangle of lettered rectangles displaying "C", "A", and "D", is the Ctrl-Alt-Del button. Should you click this, it will send the Ctrl-Alt-Del command to the computer you are remotely connected to. This even works if you are on a Mac, or remoting into a Mac computer.

Where to Find the Button on iOS and Android

When using Splashtop to remotely control a computer from iOS and Android devices, you’ll have the ability to perform the same function, although the interface is different. To find it, follow these steps:

When you are in a session connected to the remote computer, you can bring up the Splashtop Control Bar. Do this by clicking on the chevron or arrow button next to the keyboard icon. You can locate this in the bottom-right corner of the view by default.

The Splashtop Toolbar as seen on Android and iOS

Clicking the Control Bar icon expands the button into six separate menu buttons. While the Ctrl-Alt-Del button is not here, you can find it under the Settings icon, a picture of two sliders that can move left and right. Or, for an alternative description, two horizontal lines with blue dots on them.

The Settings button on the Splashtop Toolbar as seen on Android and iOS

Clicking this will expand the view further so you can see several new options. One of these includes the button labeled "C-A-Del". Should you click this, it will send a Ctrl-Alt-Del command to the computer you are remoting into.

The Benefits of Splashtop

Splashtop is a powerful remote access platform. It allows you to connect to a remote computer and feel as if you were using it in-person. This software has many features that can help you in your daily working life, for example:

  • File transfer. Splashtop remote desktop software allows you to move files from your local device onto your remote system and vice versa. This can speed up many of the processes you undergo and reduces the need to use other third-party apps or email to transfer files.

  • User management. If you are wary of remote desktop security or only want certain people to use Splashtop, you can control access to it. This empowers you to create roles and set access permissions, only allowing specific computers and users in.

  • Multi-monitor support. If you are using more than one monitor on a local PC, you can sync them up with several monitors on the system you connect to. Or, if you only have one you can switch between them seamlessly.

  • Session recording. Sometimes you might need to record a session, test software, create a recording for legal issues, or any number of other reasons. Splashtop gives you a screen recording button in the app to start and stop recording, easily saving the file to your local computer.

Try Splashtop for Free

After learning how to use Ctrl-Alt-Del on a remote desktop, the above should have convinced you of Splashtop's benefits, though it is understandable if you do not want to commit yet, as you may have further questions. For this reason, we have supplied a free trial to try out this fantastic tool for yourself!

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