
一般諮詢:Microsoft 發布針對關鍵本地 Exchange 漏洞的一鍵緩解工具


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Microsoft has released a one-click mitigation tool as an interim mitigation for on-premises exchange vulnerabilities. It’s designed to prevent attacks for servers that have not yet applied the on-premises exchange security updates.

The on-premises exchange vulnerabilities are being exploited in the wild at an alarming rate, causing CISA to issue an emergency directive on March 3rd, 2021.

Attackers can gain persistent system access and control of an enterprise network without authenticating, and are known to install malware on compromised systems.

Any on-premises exchange servers should run the mitigation tool immediately to prevent exploitation of these vulnerabilities and then apply security updates as soon as possible.

Read the full details here:
One-Click Microsoft Exchange On-Premises Mitigation Tool – March 2021

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