Home Farm Family Medicine Leverages Splashtop to Set Up a Frontline Healthcare Practice During COVID-19
See how a team of healthcare professionals used remote access to establish a new practice with limited resources
Home Farm Family Medicine uses Splashtop remote access to enable individuals to process documents and other such tasks from their homes while staying in compliance with HIPAA. Furthermore, since COVID-19, staff members who are slightly symptomatic but not too ill to work, utilize Splashtop to work from home without exposing other staff members and patients.
We spoke to Jake Harrelson at Home Farm Family Medicine. His job is to help patients to overcome any obstacles that they may have in healthcare. Additionally, he is a network administrator, vaccine program coordinator and the point person for various tasks in the office.
The Challenge: Finding a HIPAA-Compliant Remote Access Solution That Prioritizes Customer Service
So far, Home Farm Family Medicine has been funded by Dr. Morrison who used up his savings and retirement accounts to start the practice. Several team members are still volunteers that have been logging hours in anticipation of an eventual payday. The practice needs financial help until they are credentialed with insurers and can bill them.
Due to extremely limited finances, Home Farm Family Medicine reached out to many companies for help with different software solutions. Jake Harrelson is a network administrator, vaccine program coordinator and point person for various office tasks, including finding the right solution for their team.
Jake said, “A week before we opened and set up an intranet for file-sharing purposes, I realized that we would need a mechanism for remote access due to our staff expansion plans and limited space. And then, when COVID-19 came to our state, the need for remote access expanded to enabling symptomatic team members to work from home. Of course, we needed to ensure the solution was compliant with HIPAA laws.” Remote tasks included implementing their electronic medical record system, credentialing with insurers, billing and more.
Jake was familiar with LogMeIn and TeamViewer as remote access software providers and had used them in the past. However, in his experience, they lacked the intimate customer support that was important for Home Farm Family Medicine.
The Solution: Home Farm Family Medicine Finds Splashtop, a Secure, High-Performance Remote Access Solution With Unparalleled Customer Service
Home Farm Family Medicine was trying to expand the staff without having to rent any additional space as well as to provide staff members the chance to work from home in an effort to help slow the spread of COVID-19.
In his search for alternate solutions to LogMeIn and TeamViewer, Jake came across Splashtop which was highly rated and supported HIPAA compliance. He said, “Most importantly, your team quickly and efficiently responded to my communique with a friendly email that made me feel like you were the right choice.”
Jake further highlighted Splashtop’s unique features:
Ease of Implementation and Use: “The setup and implementation process was incredibly easy and well-outlined in your help articles. The ease of setup and use has allowed every staff member equal access to our office network and file system remotely.
Staff members are utilizing your software after hours or on weekends. We also have a workstation set up exclusively for remote access during working hours. This is used regularly, as we are in our initial location which is not as big as we need on days where we are busy. I am also able to access the server and most of our office computers remotely and correct any problems that may happen without having to drive into the office on my time off.”
Broad Device Support: Home Farm Family Medicine currently has four PCs as endpoints at the office that staff members connect to with a variety of personal devices from home. The home devices include Windows PCs, Android phones, iPhones and Mac computers. Jake said, “Splashtop works seamlessly on every device we have used it on.”
Performance: “Splashtop has unrivaled performance. We utilize Splashtop on a regular basis without any issues. I have not received reports of connectivity, usage or any other issues from any staff members, nor have I noticed any myself.”
Security: Home Farm Family Medicine needed a remote access solution with robust security. Jake said, “Splashtop utilizes stringent security procedures that keep our remote sessions and data secure.”
Customer Service:“Splashtop’s customer service team has been absolutely divine! Their kind words and actions have cemented Splashtop as our remote access software of choice. Bravo to you all!”
Featured Product
Splashtop Business Access
Results: Cost Savings and Increased Efficiency
Home Farm Family Medicine saved money by not needing to rent additional space and prevented the spread of illness without losing key team members. Jake said, “I would say that we are able to save at least $1,000 monthly by not needing extra space and have achieved incalculable increases in workplace efficiency. We are also able to help prevent unneeded fossil fuel emissions and have saved many hours of commuting time by allowing remote work!”
About Home Farm Family Medicine
Home Farm Family is a recently formed family medicine office in suburban Brattleboro, VT. As of June 2020, they have a variety of team members: a doctor, a physician’s assistant, two registered nurses (one of whom functions as a case manager), a certified mental health counselor, a medical assistant, an office manager, a patient navigator and a handful of assorted students and office workers. In a small practice, all team members have multiple responsibilities.