Freshdesk and Splashtop Remote Access Integration
Splashtop Remote Control from Within Freshdesk
With the Splashtop + Freshdesk integration, you can provide instant remote support to your clients from within Freshdesk by using the Splashtop Remote Support service.
With the integration, you can launch a remote desktop connection to your users’ computers to provide support directly from a Freshdesk ticket, with just a few clicks! Your users do not need to have any software pre-installed to be supported.
While in a remote access session, you’ll also be able to take advantage of all features found in Splashtop SOS, including file transfer, remote reboot, chat, share technician desktop, and more. All remote sessions are fully encrypted. When the remote connection is closed, session information is automatically logged into the ticket.
Get the free Splashtop App in the Freshworks Marketplace and get Splashtop SOS with the PSA & Ticketing Add-On from Splashtop.