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Accéder à distance à un Chromebook et le gérer à partir d’un appareil Android

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Remote access and support technology have empowered employees to work from anywhere, on the devices they prefer. While this has been great for businesses, their IT teams have faced a new problem: With all the devices and operating systems people can use, how can they support any and every device while working remotely themselves?

For instance, if an employee is having trouble with their Chromebook and the IT agent is working remotely on an Android device, is it possible to remotely access a Chromebook from an Android?

Fortunately, there is an answer. With a remote support solution like Splashtop, you can quickly and easily get Android to Chromebook remote access, empowering remote IT teams and supporting employees on the go. Let’s explore…

Remote Access: Connecting Android Devices to Chromebooks

To access a Chromebook from an Android, you’ll need a remote access and support solution that works across platforms, like Splashtop.

Remote support solutions allow IT teams to connect to end-user devices from anywhere, regardless of the device or operating system they’re using. This is a powerful tool for customer support, as it lets IT agents view the screens of the remote device directly and enables them to guide the end-user through troubleshooting and repairs.

4 Steps to Remotely Access a Chromebook from an Android

If you need to remotely access a Chromebook from an Android, you can do so in a few easy steps using Splashtop Enterprise or Splashtop SOS.

For attended access, which allows IT agents to provide remote support whenever it’s needed, you can connect in four steps:

  1. Have the Splashtop Business app installed on your IT team’s Android devices

  2. Have the end-user install Splashtop SOS on their Chromebook

  3. The end-user opens the Splashtop SOS app and generates a 9-digit code

  4. The IT agent enters the code on their app and connects

Splashtop also supports unattended access on Chromebooks, allowing agents to monitor and support managed devices. In this case, the four steps are a bit different but just as simple:

  1. Have the Splashtop Business app installed on your IT agents’ Android devices

  2. Deploy the Splashtop Streamer to all managed Chromebook devices

  3. Ensure the Streamer is installed and tied to your Splashtop account

  4. The IT agent opens the Splashtop Business app on their Android, selects the Chromebook they want to access, and clicks to initiate a remote session

From there, the IT agent is connected and can assist with support and troubleshooting from anywhere. (Please note that Chromebook remote access is restricted to view-only.)

Best Practices for Seamless Remote Connections Between Android and Chromebook

When you remotely access a Chromebook from an Android, you’ll want a smooth and seamless connection. There are a few best practices you can follow to ensure the best connectivity possible, including:

  • Maintaining a stable internet connection will minimize interruptions and keep the devices connected

  • Keeping your devices up-to-date keeps performance high and ensures you have the latest capabilities and security for your devices

  • Configuring device settings to allow Splashtop remote access and screen sharing can help ensure an uninterrupted connection

Key Features of Splashtop for Android to Chromebook Remote Access

When you use Splashtop for Chromebook remote support, you’re getting more than just screen sharing. Splashtop is designed to empower employees and IT agents to work efficiently from anywhere, on any device, and offers a wide range of features designed to improve ease of use and productivity.

These include:

  • Secure connections: Splashtop is built with security in mind and features a wide array of advanced security features to keep devices and data safe. Splashtop doesn’t access or store any data, keeping it safe on devices.

  • High-speed performance: Splashtop connects quickly and features seamless screen sharing so IT agents can guide end-users without delay.

  • High-definition audio and video: Splashtop has 4K streaming up to 60fps along with high-fidelity audio to keep each connection crystal clear.

  • Multi-device compatibility: Splashtop works across devices and operating systems, whether you use a Chromebook, Android, Mac, PC, iPhone, or even a virtual desktop.

  • Easy setup: Using Splashtop is as easy as downloading an app and entering a code -- no complex setups or installations are required.

Try Splashtop for Free: Enjoy Secure & Seamless Remote Access to Your Chromebook from an Android Device

Are you ready to bring the power of remote support to your business? You can empower IT agents to remotely assist end-users across devices with Splashtop.

Splashtop is the ultimate solution for Android to Chromebook remote access. Its secure and seamless connectivity lets IT agents see the end user’s screen and guide them through support and troubleshooting. When you have an IT team on the go and a remote workforce to support, Splashtop can ensure no employee is left without the help they need.

Experience Splashtop for yourself with a free trial today:

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