Splashtop Remote Access
Connect to your computers from any device with Splashtop Remote Access
Splashtop Business App
Install the Splashtop Business app on the computers & mobile devices you want to remote from.
Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista*, XP*
Splashtop Business App
Install the Splashtop Business app on the computers & mobile devices you want to remote from.
macOS 10.10* or newer
Splashtop Business App
Install the Splashtop Business app on the computers & mobile devices you want to remote from.
Splashtop Business App
Install the Splashtop Business app on the computers & mobile devices you want to remote from.
Splashtop Streamer
Install the Splashtop Streamer on the computers that you want to remotely access/control (remote to).
Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista*, XP* and Server 2019, 2016, 2012, 2008, 2003*
Splashtop Streamer
Install the Splashtop Streamer on the computers that you want to remotely access/control (remote to).
macOS 10.10* or newer
Splashtop Streamer
Install the Splashtop Streamer on the computers that you want to remotely access/control (remote to).