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Splashtop Can Help: KPMG Survey on Work Experiences Since COVID-19

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The pandemic has brought rounds of changes to most of our lives, but encouragingly, a recent KPMG August 2020 survey found that 79 percent of workers believe the quality of their work has improved. 70 percent say that their productivity has increased, 67 percent indicated their work-life balance has improved, and a surprising 84 percent say they are satisfied with their employer's response to the pandemic.

This may be attributable to the right tools being available at the right time for remote workers, including remote desktop products like Splashtop. Splashtop offers affordable cloud and on-premise remote access solutions for organizations, and features enterprise-grade security and reliability.

In fact, Splashtop did its own survey in June of this year and determined that before COVID-19, 71 percent of the survey respondents had never or rarely worked from home. Only about 8 percent described themselves as already being remote workers.

It has long been said that tools and technology are only useful once strategy and objectives are identified. When you know where you want to go, then remote work tools can take you there. Corporate leadership has led the charge to leverage Splashtop remote desktop software to enable work from home.

Once connected with Splashtop, 75 percent of the group said that they used remote access to effectively work from home.

Here’s more insight from the KPMG survey: According to 91 percent of workers who work remotely at least part of the time, new technologies have been provided to help them successfully do their job, and more than half of those remote workers (55 percent) want the flexibility to continue working remotely at least part of the time.

What Splashtop does well as a remote access solution is that it enables workers to be access their work computer resources from any of their personal computer, tablet, or mobile devices. This gives workers unlimited flexibility without compromising productivity.

With Splashtop, remote workers who use specialized software at work can remotely access and control their office computers to run video editing, animation, 3D designing, CAD, and other resource-intensive software in real-time, eliminating the need to purchase more software licenses for personal devices.

Looking ahead, the Splashtop survey in early summer showed almost 75 percent of respondents expect to be working from home more even after the pandemic’s restrictions level off. And, 28 percent of participants suggested that working from home may become the new normal for their companies.

The KPMG survey did indicate an even greater need for remote access collaboration. While many workers report improved experiences, the survey noted that remote workers want support. The overall respondent pool indicated that these areas of support had worsened, including the ability to collaborate (by 35 percent).

Splashtop is an important remote work access tool for that very reason—it enables a simpler way to interact and access all kinds of remote data, facilitating the necessary dialogue for knowledge-sharing and engagement.

Try Splashtop For Free

Splashtop has remote access plans for individuals, small teams, and large enterprises to enable remote working. Users will be able to access with Windows, Mac, and Linux workstations from any Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, or Chromebook device.

Or learn more about enabling work from home with Splashtop.

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