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本Cookie政策(“政策”)解釋說,我們相信我們公開和清楚地了解我們如何使用您的資訊。 本政策提供了有關我們如何以及何時在網站上使用Cookie的資訊。 就本政策而言,「網站」一詞統指 www.splashtop.com, my.splashtop.com, www.mirroring360.com, classroom.splashtop.com, m360.splashtop.com 以及我們連結到本政策的其他網站。



Cookie 是由網頁伺服器放置在您的硬碟驅動器上的小型文本檔。 Cookie 包含的資訊稍後可由向您發出 Cookie 的域中的網路伺服器讀取。 某些 Cookie 僅在您使用某些功能或選擇某些首選項時才會使用,並且某些 Cookie 將始終被使用。 網站或電子郵件中可能會使用網路信標、標籤和腳本,以幫助我們提供 Cookie、計算訪問次數、瞭解使用方式和活動效果,並確定電子郵件是否已被打開並採取行動。 我們可能會收到基於我們的服務/分析供應商使用這些技術的個人和匯總報告。




You can generally activate or later deactivate the use of cookies through a functionality built into your web browser. To learn more about how to control cookie settings through your browser, here are links where you can learn more about the private browsing features of the most popular web browsers: FirefoxChromeInternet ExplorerSafari.

If you want to learn more about cookies, or how to control, disable or delete them, please visit https://www.aboutcookies.org for detailed guidance. In addition, certain third party advertising networks, including Google, permit users to opt out of or customize preferences associated with your internet browsing. To learn more about this feature from Google, click here.


我們的網站可能包含第三方社交媒體功能,例如Facebook“讚”按鈕,以及第三方小部件,例如“分享此內容”按鈕或在網站上運行的互動式小程式。 這些功能可能會收集您的IP位址,您在網站上訪問的頁面,並設置cookie以使該功能正常運行。 您與這些功能的互動受提供這些功能的第三方公司的隱私政策的約束。

我們可能會在網站上使用以下任何類別的 Cookie,詳情如下。


1. Essential Cookies: Essential cookies (First Party Cookies) are sometimes called “strictly necessary” as without them we cannot provide many services that you need on the Website. For example, essential cookies help remember your preferences as you move around the Website.

2. Analytics Cookies: These cookies track information about visits to the Websites so that we can make improvements and report our performance. For example: analyze visitor and user behavior so as to provide more relevant content or suggest certain activities. They collect information about how visitors use the Websites, which site the user came from, the number of each user’s visits and how long a user stays on the Websites. We might also use analytics cookies to test new ads, pages, or features to see how users react to them.

3. Functionality or Preference Cookies: During your visit to the Websites, cookies are used to remember information you have entered or choices you make (such as your username, language or your region) on the Websites. They also store your preferences when personalizing the Websites to optimize your use of our services, for example, your preferred language. These preferences are remembered, through the use of the persistent cookies, and the next time you visit the Websites you will not have to set them again.

4. Targeting or Advertising Cookies: These Third Party Cookies are placed by third party advertising platforms or networks in order to, deliver ads and track ad performance, enable advertising networks to deliver ads that may be relevant to you based upon your activities (this is sometimes called “behavioral” “tracking” or “targeted” advertising) on the Websites. They may subsequently use information about your visit to target you with advertising that you may be interested in, on the Websites and other websites. For example, these cookies remember which browsers have visited the Websites.



  • Cookie: Google Doubleclick

  • Cookie Purpose: Retargeting, optimization, reporting, and attribution of online advertising

  • Cookie Duration: 2 months to 2 years

  • Category: Analytics, Advertising, Targeting


  • Cookie: Facebook

  • Cookie Purpose: Retargeting, optimization, reporting, and attribution of online advertising

  • Cookie Duration: 1 year

  • Category: Analytics, Advertising, Targeting


  • Cookie: Google Analytics

  • Cookie Purpose: Collects information about how visitors use the Websites, such as which website the user came from, the number of each user’s visits and how long a user stays on the Websites

  • Cookie Duration: 2 years

  • Category: Analytics

www.splashtop.com, my.splashtop.com, m360.splashtop.com, classroom.splashtop.com

  • Cookie: Microsoft Bing

  • Cookie Purpose: Optimization, reporting, and attribution of online advertising

  • Cookie Duration: 6 months to 1 year

  • Category: Analytics, Advertising


  • Cookie: CrazyEgg

  • Cookie Purpose: Website analytics tool that gives us heatmaps and click data

  • Cookie Duration: 1 year

  • Category: Analytics


  • Cookie: Microsoft Clarity

  • Cookie Purpose: Website analytics tool that gives us heatmaps and click data

  • Cookie Duration: 6-12 Months

  • Category: Analytics

所有網站(僅在包含嵌入式 YouTube 影片的網頁上)

  • Cookie: Youtube

  • Cookie Purpose: YouTube video player

  • Cookie Duration: Up to 6 months

  • Category: Analytics, Functionality, Preference

All websites

  • Cookie: Act-on

  • Cookie Purpose: Marketing automation software and forms, including the subscribe to newsletter form in the web page footer

  • Cookie Duration: 1 year

  • Category: Essential


  • Cookie: Zendesk

  • Cookie Purpose: Holds session information for our Zendesk-based support sites

  • Cookie Duration: Session

  • Category: Essential

www.splashtop.com, my.splashtop.com, m360.splashtop.com, classroom.splashtop.com

  • Cookie: New Relic

  • Cookie Purpose: Measure Website performance

  • Cookie Duration: Session

  • Category: Analytics


  • Cookie: Splashtop

  • Cookie Purpose: Tracking language choice

  • Cookie Duration: 3 Months

  • Category: Essential

my.splashtop.com, m360.splashtop.com, classroom.splashtop.com

  • Cookie: Splashtop

  • Cookie Purpose: Session information to keep track of who you are as you use a dashboard/web console site

  • Cookie Duration: Session

  • Category: Essential


  • Cookie: LinkedIn

  • Cookie Purpose: Retargeting, optimization, reporting, and attribution of online advertising

  • Cookie Duration: 1 hour to 2 years

  • Category: Analytics, Advertising, Targeting

www.splashtop.com、my.splashtop.com (僅適用於有聊天小工具的頁面)

  • Cookie: Intercom

  • Cookie Purpose: Unique anonymous identifier, keeping track of sessions

  • Cookie Duration: 1 week to 9 months

  • Category: Tracking, Identification, Functionality


  • Cookie: 6sense

  • Cookie Purpose: Tracks visitor behavior to provide analytics for marketing and personalization purposes

  • Cookie Duration: 2 years

  • Category: Analytics, Tracking, Identification, Personalization 


本政策的內容僅供您一般參考和使用。 這些餅乾如有更改,恕不另行通知。 您承認此資訊可能包含不準確或錯誤,並且可能會發生變化,我們在法律允許的最大範圍內明確排除對任何此類不準確或錯誤的責任。


除了如上所述在我們的網站上使用Cookie之外,我們還使用Cookie和其他跟蹤技術來訪問和使用我們在網站上銷售訂閱的產品和服務(我們的“服務”)。 我們如何以及為什麼在我們的服務中使用cookie和其他跟蹤技術,請參閱此處的隱私政策。


如果本政策有任何重大變更,您將在變更生效之前通過在我們的網站上發佈醒目的通知來通知您。 我們鼓勵您定期查看此頁面,以獲取有關本政策的最新資訊。 您繼續使用網站即表示您同意受本政策此類變更的約束。 如果您不接受本政策的條款,您唯一的補救措施是停止使用和訪問網站。


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